莳 拼音:shí 部首:艹,部外笔画:6,总笔画:9 五笔86&98:AJUU 仓颉:TANB 笔顺编号:122251134 四角号码:44907 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+83AD
● 莳 shíㄕˊ ◎ 移植:“乃始以~把芋”。 ◎ 古同“施”。
【Chinese Character】 : this Chinese character was originally written as “时”, which meant seasonal time. The meaning of it has been changed into the current form since the Tang and Song Dynasties, with a different interpretation from that in ancient documents. Therefore we cannot find the original connotations now.
The pronunciation remains unchanged to date: Shi(四声) or Si(轻声) . In some places people have the tendency to mispronounce it, e.g. Shu (二声), which means a kind of vegetable called “Chinese cabbage” by locals. This is not correct at all according to traditional Pronunciators. Actually, there are many similar-looking characters which sound the same when pronounced with their original tone: For example “师” /shi/ , “诗”/si/ , “时”/shi/, "斯"/si/. People always take wrong words for them because they can’t distinguish between those sounds clearly. That's why local accents should be avoided if one wants to use those characters correctly. It may cause a lot of misunderstanding especially among businessmen dealing with foreigners on a regular basis.
When writing a Chinese word, each single component has its own specific function——it either gives information about what the content means or shows how to pronounce the text respectively; but never both! Since most components represent only meanings rather than tones, you shouldn't write them phonetically just like Westerners do with ABC(Alphabetical Binary Coded). Otherwise, your message will get lost easily. I hope people would pay more attention to these little things instead of wasting so much energy arguing about whether two words look alike or not, such as Jia(家) vs Jie(捷):Jia(家) looks very much exactly like Jie(捷) except a horizontal stroke added above it, while they mean totally different things! You know where Home stands whereas I am quite sure nobody knows what the difference between 'fast' and ‘convenient’ is! Such trivialities really waste lots of time…and don't forget they