琸,汉语汉字,读作zhuó ,指玉色洁白;亦指洁白如玉之人。 读作cuó时,意为颜色鲜明的样子。 基本字义 1. zhuó 玉色洁白:“~~者,君子德。” 2、cuó 颜色鲜明:“~晳者,天之色也”。如:~玉(泛指良好的品质和品德)。 详细释义 ◎ 琸 zuó (会意。从白,从王。本义:玉色洁白) 同本义 [white jade] 玗瑜或琭或琸或琚或璆。——《汉书·扬雄传》注 王者纯一而不驳,如白玉之瑳兮。——《荀子·大略》注 又如:琸绰(洁白;纯洁);琸亮(纯洁,美好);琸雅(洁白,美玉。喻人的品质高尚)
【楚辞】:《九叹·思古》:“玉瑱猗猗兮。” 【晋书】:成公绥 《啸赋》:“若夫玉琤琼而琳琅,音玲珑而玉琮。” 刘逵注:“琤琮,玉声。” 宋梅尧臣有诗《闻天游道人归自庐山得东字》云:“我昔访君庐山下,翠微寺前松竹老。白云冉冉留我住,明月娟娟为我好。夜来独坐听风声,万壑松篁入空翠。清吟一曲如珠玑,泠然忽入金石奏。归来梦与天游俱,未省当时有东道。” 【说文解字】:【卷三】【玉部】琸 “琸”,王也。从白王声。朱切。
《康熙字典》: 【未集上】【玉部】 ·康熙筆画:13 ·部外筆画:7 《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》朱勒切,音卓。《說文的解釋》:"王的別体。玉色潔白。"《廣韻》:玉色。與「琢」通。《漢書·揚雄傳贊》:「其言麗以則,婉以瑋。詩騷之體既極,獨馳騁乎屈原之所著。故語漢武則譏武帝,論宗廟則刺孝武帝,説五帝則嘲羲皇,赞湯禹則擬周公,說萬物則誇韓非,談黃老則刺呂尚。雖欲構虛辭、採異說,然要為多所變詭,頗有《莊周》之義。觀其所自創作,雖未能高陳王,亦不敢下賈生矣。」 又《集韻》《類篇》《韻會》《正韻》楚革切,音錯。義同。 又《集韻》初角切,音綽。白玉曰琱。或省作琸。註見七畫。 考證:〔《揚雄傳贊》〕 謹照原書傳贊改讚。[1]
English translation of this Chinese character 琸zhuo second-character, meaning that is as white and pure like a piece of jade ". It also means to have noble characteristics similar to an emerald stone with the same color. In other words.... it's just another word for green! The following quote from Wikipedia describes its origins: 'In ancient China, people believed in the concept of Yin Yang, which represents balance or harmony between two opposite forces such as male and female, dark and light, fire and water etc. Each force would be incomplete without the existence of the other. Similarly, they believed that each element has both yin and yang aspects inside it. Therefore, if someone had perfect balance between his/her positive qualities and negative ones then he/she was considered a true person with complete beauty on all levels. Such people were called RUO ZHUO (如玉者) because they perfectly combined their good traits with their bad ones, rather than having any flaws at all. They are described by the phrase, "White yet not dull, round yet not squat" ('玉質而柔澤' 白而潤). As time passed though, the name Ruo Zhuo began to take on additional connotations of being gentle, kind, compassionate, generous等等, although these meanings did not become strictly associated with the original idea of combining one's positives and negatives until much later. So even today, we still use Ruo