1. 诠(詮) Quán 2 画
3. 诠释 quan-hi she
(1) to interpret; to elucidate: “This is a matter which needs very careful analysis and interpretation,” said the principal, “so that we can reach sound conclusions as soon as possible.” 主考官说:“这件事需要仔细分析和阐明。然后我们就能尽快得出正确的结论!”——《二十一世纪英语报高中版第976期B4版》 The dictionary contains an exhaustive explanation of all technical terms used in English language literature. 这本词典包含英语文学中所有技术术语的详尽释义。 ——《二十一世纪英语报高级版第888期A2版》
(2) [亦作] to expound, explain: 我试图用通俗的话来诠释这理论。 I tried to put this theory into words.
(3) [American ] to illustrate by example or examples: 请举例阐释这个观点吧。 Please give some illustrative examples for your statement. ——2006年研究生入学考试阅读C篇